The Real Drama Happens Backstage

Last night, that asshole playing Don Lockwood screamed at me: “Your stupid rain machine’s drowning out my song!”

So tonight, as he sang in the rain, I cranked the water pump to full blast and walked out. Let him turn it off.


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I am a writer for an e-Learning course vendor near Chicago.

18 thoughts on “The Real Drama Happens Backstage”

  1. Gene Kelly’s Don Lockwood would never, but this is tremendously fun and not at ALL what I thought of when I read “Who’ll stop the rain” and all the more enjoyable for being so unexpected. Kudos.

    1. DId you know that throughout the making of that movie Gene Kelly would openly make fun of Debbie Reynolds’s dancing. He couldn’t stand that they’d casted a non-dancer in the role.

    1. The performance at the wealthy community theater I had in my head while writing this probably wasn’t as good as the movie. Especially with the flooding damage involved.

  2. I’ve learned this from playing in bands: never insult the sound person. I’m sure the same applies in theater. You insult the crew, you’re asking for trouble. This scene makes me smile.

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